Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Who are we? the Bright Black Team - MELINE

Meline Danielewicz

Hails from
London, England

MSc Natural Sciences – Experimental & Theoretical Physics (Cantab.)
OCR diploma in Physical Theatre and Circus Arts (Circomedia, Bristol)

Brings to the table
Cutlery, her elbows and an appetite for theatre. Has a diverse set of skills including dance, aerial-circus, singing, puppetry and management consultancy which she likes to whizz into a potent theatrical cocktail. Drink responsibly.

Is brilliant at
Changing career
Wearing red lipstick and 1940s hair styles
Making ace treasure huntesque Valentines
Bjork impersonations

In another life she is

Less confused but just as excited. Or (worse case senario) earning a six-figure salary as a corporate slave.

I am spoonfaced.

Joined Vox Motus because
She was in search of an adventure.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Who are we? The Bright Black Team SUSANNAH

Susannah Armitage

Hails from
The bonny Black Isle, near Inverness

General Manager, Vox Motus.
Graduated in 2002 from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Scottish Language and Literature. Since then she has worked as Administrator for the Tron Theatre in Glasgow and as a freelance Theatre Producer.

Brings to the table
experience, a passion for contemporary performance and a willingness to jump into a project wholeheartedly.

Is brilliant at
Project Management, the ability to facilitate other people's ideas, juggling many things at once, going to the theatre.

In another life she is
Associate Producer for A Play, A Pie and A Pint at Oran Mor and a warbly soprano in the Sirens of Titan Choir.

We CANNOT go over the budget!

Joined Vox Motus because
It is simply one of the most exciting companies producing work in Scotland today.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Who are we? The Bright Black Team CANDICE

While Artistic Directors Candice and Jamie are often seen as one theatre-making unit i.e. candiceandjamie or jamieandcandice (depending on who you speak to), they really are individuals in their own right…

Candice Edmunds

Hails from
Tamborine Mountain in Queensland, Australia

Artistic Director, Vox MotusTrained at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, GlasgowSince 2002 has worked as an actor for companies including Theatre Cryptic, The Arches, Traverse Theatre, Glasgow Repertory Company and Cumbernauld TheatreFormer member of the Tamborine Mountain Little Theatre Group

Brings to the table
A love of the creative process – seeing a concept through from the seed of an idea to a fully-realised productionA warm-up regime akin to those only found in totalitarian dictatorships

Is brilliant at
Linking things together – scenes, words, ideas, logistics

In another life she is
Living in sunny Australia, the undisputed star of the Tamborine Mountain Little Theatre Group and wondering what might have happened had she accepted that offer to study in Glasgow.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Who are we? The Bright Black Team JAMIE

While Artistic Directors Candice and Jamie are often seen as one theatre-making unit i.e. candiceandjamie or jamieandcandice (depending on who you speak to), they really are individuals in their own right…

Jamie Harrison

Hails from
Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

Artistic Director, Vox MotusTrained at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow. Has acted for Film & Theatre in UK. Has performed as a Magician in 22 cities around Europe, America and Asia.1991 Karate Champion (Newcastle Under 13’s)

Brings to the table
A passion for creating theatre that is theatrical.The ability to have the most ridiculous idea at the most inappropriate moment.

Is brilliant at
Big Ideas. Persuading people to do things. Shuffling playing cards.

In another life I am
An eccentric Las Vegas magician who wears frilly suits, vanishes white elephants from flaming boxes and has doves stuffed in secret pockets around his personage.

Keep your eye on the prize.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Vox Motus new production!!

After a slight hiatus from the blogging sphere Vox Motus are back and are thrilled to announce their magical new show BRIGHT BLACK.

Magic. Imagination. Passion. In a mythical underworld inhabited by dark dreams and terrifying demons a young heroine begins a quest to find her dead lover and bring him back to the world of the living.

Combining illusion, digital media and new writing, Vox Motus’ latest production is a visual treat that takes you on a macabre journey into the shadowy recesses of love, life and death.

With commissioned music by Michael John McCarthy (Zoey van Goey) and choreography by Natasha Gilmore (The Blank Album).

Bright Black follows hot on the heels of the highly acclaimed SLICK, winner of a Scotsman Fringe First Award and nominated for two Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland. What the press said about SLICK:

“faultless, fast-paced, brilliant sense of style”

“(the) sheer inventiveness of the staging that takes the breath away”
**** Metro

Bright Black is presented in association with Platform and is supported by Cumbernauld Theatre and Fife Arts Trust.

Watch this space for news and gossip on all aspects of rehearsals, workshops and the tour.